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        The Lent, and especially Week of Passion, is not accidentally called "time of temptations". We've written about the trials, that the Bethlehem's Nativity Church is ungergoing. . Our Church has not escape the trials as well.
        Fire broke out in the territory of our church in Birulevo on 29 April 2002 about 8:30 a.m. Lodge has burned out to the ground. It was the oldest building after the church, where different church services were situated. The sacristy and library suffered the most, as well as canonicals of different colors for the divine services. The set of chasubles has been renewed during the last years while Fr. Vitaly being the Senior Priest of our church.

Intercession of the Mother of God

       Yes, it's a pity, that canonicals have burned out, but it can be remedied, only time is necessary. But the loss of library make us much more sorry, because it's irreplaceable in many ways. Lots of books are already not on sale, even some of publishers exist no more. Painful is the loss of prayer-books, books for divine services and music library, that our choristers have used.
The library of the church in Birulevo has plenty of readers that make use of it today, but it's future-oriented as well, because we have a task of building of educational complex.

      At present the development of preliminary project of new church complex is finished. Registration of documents concerning new building proceeds with serious difficulties, we face the displays of not yet obsolete soviet bureaucracy. We hope that Lord will temper justice with mercy. Maybe this disaster will help to draw attention of officials to our case, and the receiving of necessary licenses would speed up.
      We believe that wise folk's proverb would become right - "every cloud has a silver lining", anything bad comes without good.

We ask for your succour.
You can make your donation to:

Account in Foreign Currency:
Beneficiary's Bank: Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, Central Head Office,
Moscow, Tsaritsinskoe Branch No. 7978
INN: 7726074333
Beneficiary: The Curacy of the St. Nicholas the Wonder-worker Church in
Birulevo, Moscow
BIC: 044525225
Account Number: 40703840538060200304

If you have a possibility to help our library with the recovery of books, please contact us per our post address: 113546, Moscow, South Administrative District, Bulatnikovsky proezd, 8a.


      Thanks to God's mercy, only the lodge has burned, although along with all including services. There were four buildings beside, that have been kept by Lord. In the immediate proximity to the lodge stands the Church, and it's wooden. In those few minutes (that seemed hours for us) before the arrival of fire-brigade the flame flared up out of the lodge, and the wind carried it right to the church, where the common divine service of Passion Week has been held.
      A certain parishioner (desired to remain unknown) has ordered for our church an icon of Mother of God named "Chenstokhovskaya", which has been solemnly consecrated the day before, in the Palm Sunday, 28 April.
      When the church was in danger of fire, our women said: "We should bring the icon out". So they stood at the church's wall, which was threatened by fire, holding the icon. And the wind suddenly changed, carrying the sparks to the gate, away from all buildings.

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